Friday, December 10, 2010

Feed My Starving Children

This late Wednesday, I went with my class to Fmsc. When we arrived, the host greeted us with a presentation of a video made by a student with the help of Fmsc.
It feels great helping out people who are in need, especially in a time like this.
We got divided up into groups. I was in the back with a few people; making boxes, filling tubs with food to bring to packers, and carrying the fill boxes to the back.
In the end, we cleaned up and found out that we fed around 30+ children for a year in just one hour!
That will be a great memory for me and I hope to do it again soon. :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


As a child, I always watched bullyies pick on people with low self esteem and wonder why they would do something so stupid. As I grew older, I began to realise they have lower self-esteem than the people they pick on.

They almost never have any good backround or history to put them in a positive mindset; something that most people need to mature and succeed in life. They lie about their life a lot, indicating that they are ashamed about themselves. To top it off, they pick on people that have low self esteem, so they they don't get any crap back from them.

When they grow up, they usually realise that they can't keep the same thing going on in their life so they end up changing or fall out as social outcasts to society.

Monday, November 29, 2010

My Pet Lyla

When I was 6-7 years old, my family owned a young, black lab named Lyla. She was very affectionate and playful towards every and anyone she met. I trained her to fetch, roll over, and helped teach her to go outside instead of behind couches :P. She was my favorite pet until that horrible day...

One day, some neighborhood kids, along with some of my siblings and Lyla were playing outside in the front yard. Everyone was having fun so they failed to notice one of the little kids grabbing a ball in the middle of the street. It had seemed to have come out of nowhere; a old Chevrolet swiftly speeding down the street like a bullet, spontaneously threatning the life of the young child.

The car was right on par with the young child when all of a sudden, Lyla dashed to the child, knocked him out of the way and took the blunt of the hit. Alarmed by the sound, the rest of the neighborhood turned to see a crying child; sitting on the curb, and an injured lab in the middle of the street. Shortly after, Lyla got up slowly and limped into the back of our yard and died. we didn't get the licence plate of the the felon. Lyla will always be remembered by us. She taught me a lesson to watch those close to me and to give everything for something you believe in.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Top 5 Things I'm Greatful for...

5. Being where I am today.
- As a child in school, my grades always struggled and my future seemed uncertian but now, I'm on the right path to graduating and a healthy carrer.

4. Having so many different kinds of friends.
- Having so many different kinds of people allowing me into their life, teaches me about others perspectives; helping me become less self-centered and more focused on the world around me (Thinking 3-Dimensionally).

3.Having close friends.
- I love having people who I can trust anytime with anything, and not be hurt by them; while being crituqed by them.
-My girlfriend is the light of my life; even when shes sad, it just makes it all the more fun to cheer her up again :)
- It also dosen't hurt to get a ride to school every morning when you have two musical insturments to carry :)

2. Having great teachers.
- The teachers I have here in "A" school are just phenominal.
- All of them care about us, just like a family.
-They go out of their way (way out) to make sure we graduate and feel comfortale in school while doing so :)

1. My family
-They always have been there for me to keep me on the right path, despite their faults.
-They have done their best to protect me, and they taught me how to be a respectful man in this world.
-Gave me many priceless memories as a child, up to this day.
-Went way out of your way (Holy Crap Way) to give me a great year.

Friday, November 12, 2010

someone has to say it

Lil' Wayne is not the greatest rapper alive. He is very flexible when it comes to rhythms and rhyming ill give him that, but that's as far as i'll go with his praise. Don't forget that Rap stands for R-rhythm A-and P-poetry. Lil' Wayne can rhyme well but he isn't anywhere near up for consideration as the best rapper alive.

To Smoke or not to Smoke?

Smoking has increased lately due to stress on the public and in personal life, despite the increase of prices and bans in local buildings. I don't like the fact that people are spending all of their money on such an inverted-benefit when they can be saving all of that money for something to help themselves. I don't think we should be smoking at this time, it's becoming more and more like a drug to society and I think we should get rid of it all together.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tattoos: A personal Evaluation

Im not that concerned with the topic of tattoos to the point of getting one, It's just not that imporant to me.

       Tattoos can mean many different things. People have tattoos in celebration of their child, gang affiliation, or just for likes. In summary, they are used for self expression due to their uses. In my beliefs, people can have as many tattoos as they want as long as they know what they are getting into.

      people often outcast people with excessive amounts of tattoos by classifying them as "unstable" or "dangerous"; while most of the time, they are just visually expressing their personality to the people; quite ironic if you ask me...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A school

          Lately, I've been getting used to the "A" School program. It's a lot more easier than the mainstream school, but theres a lot more work. I'm thinking that this program is benefiting me alot more than any other alternitive education out there. Since I'm a musician and would like to excell in that field, I need practice, and lots of it. So I have to be very appreaciative of this program due to little homework.